Under construction and editing
Thunder Fusion Corporation
150 Rainville Rd. Tarpon Springs, FL 34689, U.S.A.,
Tel. +1-727-934 9593,
Email: research(at)thunder-fusion(dot)com
15 minutes DVD on the operation pof the third Hadronic Reactor (called "Dragon III")
The Voice of Thunder Fusion

When at Harvard University under DOE support in the early 1980s, the Italian-American scientist Ruggero Maria Santilli (Curriculum) proved that the thunder produced by lighting cannot be explained via conventional chemical or mechanicaL processes because lighting occurs within a very small cylindrical volume over an extremely small period of time. Santilli then proved that the only scientific (that is, numerical) explanation of large amount of energy needed to produce thunder is that lighting caused nuclear fusions synthesizing various natural elements. A search in the Cantabridgean libraries showed that our atmosphere at the time of the dinosaurs (obtained from bubbles of air in amber) only contained about 40% of Nitrogen. The synthesis of Nitrogen by lighting from Carbon and other natural elements emerged as the most plausible origin for the progressive increase of Nitrogen in our atmosphere to the current level of about 80%. Santilli then argued that nuclear fusions caused by lighting are not expected to produce harmful radiations, otherwise life in our planet would not have been possible in its current form. In this way, Santilli initiated thirty years of research on nuclear fusions without harmful radiations that have been recently confirmed in refereed scientific journals. In view of this origin, Santilli proposed the name of Thunder Fusion Corporation for the company owning all intellectual rights in the new fusions that are now under industrial development.

A view of the first ICNF Hadronic Reactor used by Prof. Santilli to establish the existence of ICNF as presented in paper [1].

A view of the independent confirmation of Prof. Santilli's ICNF conducted by by Dr. Leong Ying and his associates from Princeton, NJ as per paper [2] below.

A view of one of the systematic certification of lack of any radiation produced by Santilli's ICNF. In reality such a confirmation is inessential because, as an example, the ICNF of paper [1] deals with the fusion of deuterium and carbon into nitrogen. In this case, either the fusion occur or it does not occur, thus without any radiation in each case. Additionally, the used electric power is millions of time short of the energy needed to smash the deuterium and/or carbon nuclei. Consequently, no harmful radiation is remotely possible in Santilli's ICNF.

<A view of the second automatic ICNF Hadronic Reactor constructed by Prof. Santilli for the confirmation presented in paper [3].

A view of the steam produced by the second Hadronic Reactor.

A few views of Hadronic Reactor III built by Santilli in 2012, including from top left: a general view of the container housing the reactor; the interior 1,000~psi reactor; the touch screen for the automatic control and recording of all data; and the steam produced by using air and carbon as hadronic fuel. A DVD on the operation of the reaction is provided by Lecture VC of the World lecture Series from the
Reactor III has reproduced, apparently for the first time,. the thunder in laboratory from which the name of the company "Thunder Fusion Corporation."
The Voice of Intermediate Fusions Without Radiations

A view of Hadronic Reactors IV used for the measurements presented in paper [4] below. Its dimensions are the same as those of Hadronic Reactor I. The main differences are given by the availability of automatic controls of the arc, automatic monitoring, recording and printing of all data, and a transparent Pirex tube used for the tests reported this paper to verify visually the internal operations and sensors. Particularly important is a visual verification of the existence of a stable arc because, in its absence, the reactor can show power absorption while the electrodes are in a short, in which case no ICNF can evidently occur.

Views of the Hadronic Reactor V used in the tests reported in paper [4]. The top view shows the reactor in fully assembled conditions, with radiation detector Sam 035 in the top left, and the 907 Pamrad and PM1703GN neutron detectors in the lower left. The central view shows the reactor in open conditions as used for the replacement of the electrodes. The lower view shows the periscope with a transparent Pirex window used to confirm the existence of the arc during tests.
An Introduction to the novel Intermediate Controlled Nuclear Fusions without harmful radiations
Ruggero Maria Santilli
see lecture ICNF in the series
Verification of Santilli's Intermediate Nuclear Fusions
without Harmful Radiation and with
the Production of Magnecular Clusters,"
L. Ying
Lecture VE of World Lecture series
See also various otehr experimentral lectures of the
[1] Experimental Confirmation of Nitrogen Synthesis from deuterium
and Carbon without harmful radiations
R. M. Santilli
New Advances in Physics Vol. 4, page 29, 2011
[2] Verification of Santilli intermediate Controlled Nuclear Fusions
without harmful radiations a and the production of magnecular clusters
Robert Brenna, Theodore Kuliczkowski, Leong Ying
New Advances in Physics, Vol. 5, page 9 (2011)
[3] Additional Confirmation of the "Intermediate Controlled Nuclear Fusions"
without harmful radiation or waste
R. M. Santilli
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Lie-Admissible
Treatment of Irreversible Processes, X. Corda, Editor,
Kathmandu University (2011) pages 163-177
[4] Confirmations of Santilli Intermediate Nuclear Fusions of Deuteron and Carbon into Nitrogen without Radiations."
J. V. Kadeisvili, C. Lynch and Y. Yang
Submitted for Pub;lication June 9, 2013
Third International Conference on the Lie-admissible treatment of irreversible processes
Kathmandu University, Ne[pal, January 4 to 8, 2011
You can see the proceedings from the link
San Marino Workshop on Astrophysics and Cosmology for Matter and Antimatter
September 5 to 9, 2011
Workshop Aim
Independent confimation of Santilli IsoRedShift and IsoBlueShift
2012 Seminar Course on Hadronic Mathematics, Mechanics, and Chemistry
International Meetings ICNAAM, Kops, Greece, September 19-25, 2012
Talk bSchedule
Santilli's New Mathematics for 211st Century Sciences
April 6, 2013, Chaturvedi, College of Engineering
Harpur Nagar, Near Bada Tajbagh, India
Admission form
2013 International Workshop on Santilli Isomathematics,
Session 14 of the international meeting
International Workshop on Hadronic Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University
Department of Chemistry
October 21 to 26, 2013, India
RTarpon Springs, Florida, February 25, 2010
Richard Anderson
Trustee, The R. M. Santilli Foundation
This report deals with a application of hadronic mechanics for the achievement of truly new and clean energies known as the Intermediate Controlled Nuclear Fusions. The ongoing research is based on the laboratory synthesis of the neutron as occurring in stars from a proton and an electron, which synthesis has already been achieved in a preliminary form. The research then deals with the synthesis of the nitrogen from carbon and deuterium via the intermediate synthesis of the neutron because the nitrogen synthesis is: very esoenergetic; the easiest among all possible nuclear syntheses; and the cleanest possible because, under threshold energies, it does not release harmful radiation and does not leave radioactive waste. A verifiable energy output of five times the used electric energy has been achieved to date thanks to significant corporate investments. A major effort is under way in the U.S.A. and abroad to understand the mechanisms of the nitrogen synthesis and enhance it to the level of a new electric power source.
The research has been pioneered by the Italian American physicist Dr. Ruggero Maria Santilli, a former scientist at Harvard University under DOE support (see his CV at http://www.i-b-r.org/Ruggero-Maria-Santilli.htm , a summary of his unprecedented mathematical physical and chemical discoveries in http://www.santilli-foundation.org/santilli-scientific-discoveries.html , and the Nobel Nominations in http://www.santilli-foundation.org/santilli-nobel-nominations.html).
All energies that could be conceived and treated via Einsteinian and quantum theories were fully identified some 50 years ago and they turned out to be all environmentally unacceptable. It is now a growing consensus in the field that any further search for industrially meaningful results in new clean energies based on old theories, is sterile.
The insufficiencies of these theories in regard to energy releasing processes are also well known by ethically sound experts to qualify as such. In essence, Einsteinian and quantum theories were conceived to represent events invariant under time reversal, such as the orbits of electrons in atomic structures, particles in particle accelerators, etc. for which conditions said theories are evidently valid.
However, all energies releasing processes are irreversible over time, that is, their time reversal image violates causality laws. Therefore, it is impossible for time reversal theories, such as Einsteinian and quantum theories, to be exactly valid for irreversible systems, such as all energy releasing processes. In particular, if applied , said theories imply a finite probability for the existence of time reversal images, e.g., following the combustion of carbon said theories predict that smoke and ashes reconstruct the original fuel.
Since a decreasing number of physicists in high ranking positions continue to abuse the prestige of their institutions by proffering Einsteinian and quantum theories as being exactly valid for whatever conditions exist in the universe up to the end of time, the serious appraisal of this report requires a knowledge of the insufficiencies of said theories beyond the conditions of their original conception and verification.
A presentation along the latter lines accessible to the educated general audience is available in our Foundation webpage http://www.santilli-foundation.org/santilli-scientific-discoveries-1.html or in the Forum on Old Theories of the Institute for Basic Research http://www.i-b-r.org/forum-old-theories.htm A technical presentation of said insufficiencies is available in the monograph
Volume I: Limitations of Einstein's Special and General Relativities,
Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Chemistry
Ruggero Maria Santilli
International Academic Press (2008)
Available in free pdf download from
To put it in a nutshell, Einstein special relativity, quantum mechanics and quantum chemistry are magnificent theories, but now they belong to the past century. The future is for new theories specifically conceived for new scientific vistas.
The need for new theories was fully identified by the second part of the 20th century. In fact, when at Harvard University in the late 1970s and early 1980s, Santilli received five grants from the Department of Energy, then under the vision of the Carter Administration, to initiate all necessary research that would lead, in due time, to basically new energies, that is, energies not predicted by conventional theories. All events reported herein originated from these grants for which the Carter Administration and the U. S. Department of Energy deserve full praises.
In this way, Santilli proposed in 1978 the construction of the covering of quantum mechanics under the name of hadronic mechanics. His call was answered by hundreds of mathematicians, theoreticians and experimentalists the world over. Such a collegial effort has produced during the past 30 years over 20,000 pages of research published in the best scientific journals the world over. A 40 pages long bibliography of these contributions up to 2005 is available as free download from the website
A review of these efforts in a language accessible to the general educated public is currently under way by the Trustees of the Santilli Foundation http://www.santilli-foundation.org/
and can be inspected in the website
A comprehensive technical review of these studies dated 2008 is available in the five monographs
Volumes I, II, III, IV, V
Ruggero Maria Santilli
available as free downloads from the website
Following the achievement of maturity (see HMMC Volumes I to III) and experimental verifications (see HMMC Volumes IV and V), hadronic mechanics has already produced novel industrial applications and various additional ones are under way, some in strict secrecy by the industry as well as, apparently, by the military apparently in the USA, Russia, China, and elsewhere.
To begin, hadronic mechanics has permitted the conception, theoretical treatment and industrial development of a new chemical species called Santilli magnecules whose bond is partially of magnetic origin, to distinguish them from the conventional "molecules" with sole conventional valence bonds.
In turn, these advances have permitted the development of a new class of fuels that admit, for the first time, a complete combustion because all magnetic effects disappear at the combustion temperature, thus having individual atoms ready for combustion without HC, CO and other toxic contaminants. These new fuels are presented in the book
Ruggero Maria Santilli
also available as free download from the website
Among the industrial applications of the new fuels, we should mention:
1) The industrial development of PlasmaArcFlow Refineries, technically known as Hadronic Reactors, permitting the recycling of various liquid wastes into a clean burning, cost competitive, combustible fuel known under the tradesman of magnegas, as presented in the website http://www.magnegas.com/
It should be noted that Santilli's Magnegas Technology is industrially available NOW for the achievement of fuel independence, since its basic feedstock, liquid waste, is available everywhere in unlimited quantities. The cost competitiveness of magnegas fuel with respect to fossil fuels, of course under sufficient funding, is beyond credible doubt because of the high cost of the latter feedstock (petroleum) compared to income generated by the feedstock of the former (liquid waste), thus rendering fuel independence an essentially political decision by governments sufficiently independent from petroleum interests. Magnegas Corporation has initiated very recently the public trading of its stock at par value under the symbol MNGA and is rapidly expanding the world over despite the ongoing global recession.
2) The industrial development of the HHO Gas produced by new electrolyzers converting distilled water into a magnecular form of hydrogen and oxygen to which Santilli gave the chemical name of HHO, as illustrated in the web site
3) Additional applications have been made in the new field of Betavoltaic Batteries, e.g. as described in the website
with particular reference to apparent, rather secret research in stimulating certain metals to produce electrons, thus providing a kind of "atomic battery," of course, in due time and under due funding.
We are told that various studies are under way via the use of hadronic mechanics. For instance, we are told (but we are not sure) that Russian chemists are using hadronic chemistry to maximize the power of military jet fuels. In fact, the English version of Santilli monograph
R. M. Santilli,
Kluwer Academic Publishers (2001)
Available from the website for scientific research only
has been translated in Russian and available as free download from
We are also told that the latter monograph has been translated in Chinese where Dr. Santilli is well known, and apparently used for advanced research yet to be initiated in the USA due to notorious oppositions by organized interests on Einsteinian theories, but we could not secure a copy of said translation.
Following the achievement of new fuels, Dr. Santilli's primary research objective is now that of completing the ongoing research on basically new forms of clean energies predicted by hadronic mechanics (but impossible for Einstein special relativity and quantum mechanics) at the level of hadrons, nuclei and molecules. The new energy most promising is known under the name of Intermediate Controlled Nuclear Fusions.
In essence, there is nowadays a rather large consensus that all efforts conducted during the past decades in the "cold" and "hot" fusion have not achieved industrial relevance (despite the investment of very large public funds) and will never do so for various often opposing reasons. Cold fusion cannot achieve industrial maturity because it does not have sufficient energy for a systematic and controlled exposure of nuclei, as evident prerequisites for their fusion, and various other reasons. Hot fusion occurs at excessive energies, thus causing uncontrollable instabilities, as well known. Dr. Santilli's new fusions are:
1) Intermediate in the sense that they occur at threshold energies intermediate between those of the cold and hot fusions barely sufficient for the systematic exposure of nuclei and for other needs;
2) Controlled because controlled via the control of power, current, voltage, flow, temperature, pressure, trigger, and other engineering means; and
3) Clean because without secondary radiations and without harmful waste due to the proper selection of the synthesis as well as the lack of energy for secondary events.
Stars initiate their lives as pure hydrogen gas and first synthesize the neutrons from protons and electrons, then form the deuteron, then the helium and all other elements. Hence, the synthesis of the neutron is, by far, the most fundamental synthesis in nature. Any research or investment in nuclear synthesis, whether private or public, without first providing top priority to the synthesis of the neutron has proved in the past, and will prove again to be sterile beyond any possible or otherwise serious doubt.
The synthesis of the neutron is also the triumph of hadronic mechanics because it is known that Einsteinian and quantum theories are completely unable to represent said synthesis. This is technically due to the fact that all bound states verifying quantum theories must have a mass defect, that is, a negative binding energy, as it is the case for nuclei, atoms and molecules, for which systems the basic equations and laws of quantum theories are indeed verified.
However, the neutron is heavier than the sum of the masses of the proton and the electron, thus requiring a mass excess or a positive binding energy of 0.782 MeV, under which all Einsteinian and quantum equations and laws become inconsistent, as expected to be well known by serious ethically sound experts in the field.
After some 30 years of research, hadronic mechanics has indeed permitted the numerically exact and time invariant representation of ALL characteristics of the neutron in its synthesis from a proton and an electron. A general review of the vast efforts accessible to the educated readership is that by a Russian (Georgian) scientist
J. V. Kadeisvili
Available in free pdf download from the website
or in html format at the website
The first experiment on the synthesis of neutrons from protons and electrons was conducted in the late 1960s early 1970s in Brazil by an experimental team headed by the Italian priest scientist Don Carlo Borghi via a special klystron filled up with hydrogen gas exposed to a certain combination of DC arcs and resonating microwaves.
This historical result was opposed by academia in the USA for several decades at times with incredible, but documented, acts of scientific gangsterism under impunity guaranteed by the academic-governmental complex, because its sole consideration implies the admission of clear limitations of Einsteinian doctrines and quantum mechanics. Virtually all physics laboratories around the world have refused even the consideration of the repetition of Don Borghi's experiment, just to confirm it or deny it, and have preferred instead dramatically more expensive and immensely less significant experiments.
The above events illustrate the deplorable condition of physical research in academia (with due exception) that is currently under a real totalitarian regime by organized interests on old theories under full backing by governmental agencies to this day (December 2008), thus constituting a real threat to society due to the indicated, well known, impossibility of resolving our alarming environmental problems with old doctrines of the past century.
After trying and failing for some 30 years to have this so fundamental an experiment be repeated by any physics laboratory, Santilli had no other alternative than that of doing the experiment himself with his technicians Terry Allen, John (Tom) Judy, Michael Rodrigues, Jim Alban, and Ray Jones. After some 16 months of tests, Don Borghi's results were confirmed in full, and presented in the paper
Ruggero Maria Santilli
Submitted for publication
According to chemical analysis of air contained in amber, 100 millions years ago Earth's atmosphere only had about 30% nitrogen, a percentage that has gradually increased all the way to the current very high values close to 80%.
This occurrence has stimulated the search of the source of nitrogen in our planet. A plausible answer is that nitrogen is synthesized by lighting from carbon and hydrogen (via the intermediate synthesis of deuterium) that is, via elements that are plentiful everywhere. Additionally, nuclear syntheses are necessary to explain numerically (rather than ``academically``) the thunder since chemical reactions alone (as proffered in academia to support of old theologies) cannot account on serious scientific grounds for the extremely large needed energy (equivalent to hundred of tons of dynamite) due to the excessively small volume traversed by lighting and its extremely short duration. Finally, one should note that nuclear syntheses selected by nature are expected NOT to harm the environment.
Following the achievement of the neutron synthesis, and by keeping the teaching of Nature as main guidance, Dr. Santilli is well ahead in the industrial, let alone scientific, achievement of the simplest possible synthesis, that of the nitrogen-14 from the Carbon-12 and two hydrogen-1 following the intermediate synthesis of the neutron and, consequently, the deuteron-2. The results are presented in the recently released report
One of the many GC-MS scans showing the detection of nitrogen at 28 amu in the gas produced by hadronic reactors in a percentage in excess of nitrogen occluded in the liquid. It should be noted that, prior to operation, hadronic reactors are carefully purged of any air to prevent the formation in their interior of an explosive mixture.
Ruggero Maria Santilli
Paper available as free download from the website
where, however, the disclosure is only partial for evident reasons of secrecy.
As one can see, the most promising aspect is that, once reached at threshold energies and only under that condition, the nitrogen synthesis, is very esoenergetic and truly clean, in the sense that it cannot release any harmful radiation and cannot leave any harmful waste because of lack of the needed energy. Either carbon and deuteron form nitrogen without any secondary radiation except heat, or they scatter and do not produce any synthesis.
At this moment, Dr. Santilli has reached an efficiency producing energy that is five times the used electric energy, as it can be verified at his lab in Florida by qualified visitors. Note that, in his above quoted paper for scientific caution deserving a note, Dr. Santilli has intentionally left open the origin of the excess energy, namely, whether said excess energy is of entirely chemical origin or part of it originates from the synthesis of nitrogen or other nuclear syntheses.
However, calculations conducted following the publication of the above quoted paper have indicated that the sole use of esoenergetic chemical reaction cannot quantitatively represent five times the produced excess energy, thus suggesting the presence of nuclear syntheses, currently under various independent verifications.
It should be noted that, following the above indicated five grants by the DOE for the conduction in the late 1970s - early 1980s of purely mathematical studies, all research herein reported have been supported by corporate fund from the U.S.A. and abroad.
At any rate, under all administrations to date following the vision of the Carter Administration, the expectation that qualified research beyond Einsteinian and quantum theories could be supported by the American Physical Society, the U. S. Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation, and other national organizations, is a figment of mental aberration, or basic lack of credible information at best.
Yet, billions of dollars of public funds have been spent in the hot and other fusions because aligned with Einsteinian and quantum interests, under the technical knowledge of their impossible industrial realization. Hence, any venturing of negative theoretical judgments against Santilli's Intermediate Controlled Nuclear Fusions, expectedly because not aligned with said interests, without admitting the necessity of their experimental resolution one way or the other as it has been the case for the hot fusion, would create serious ethical problems.
Copyrights © by Thunder Fusion Corporation,. 150 Rainville Rd. Tarpon Springs, FL 34689, U.S.A., Email: research(at)thunder-fusion(dot)com
Last revised June 19, 2013