A poem by the Greek mathematician Nikos Lygeros
dedicated to the Italian physicist R. M. Santilli

The Italian physicist
paid attention to every detail
for, he saw indications,
and always gently
every speaker
whenever he believed
that he himself could
offer him
something from his knowledge
and whenever he heard
something new
his enthusiasm would
be expressed immediately
with no hesitation
or doubts
and then you could see
his passion


for research
which he had never
not even for a single moment
he started codifying
the environment
to understand
the entire universe
through mathematics
and models
created by him
beyond the horizon
of classical physics.

Nikos Lygeros

Italian translation from Greek
by Lucia Santini

Link to the original website

Il fisico italiano
prestava attenzione ad ogni particolare
perche' vedeva gli indizi
e completava
sempre gentilmente
ogni oratore
quando credeva
che avrebbe potuto anche lui
il suo sapere
e quando ascoltava
qualcosa di nuovo
subito esternava
il suo entusiasmo
senza esitazione
e riserbo
si manifestava allora
la sua passione
per la ricerca
che non l'aveva mai
neppure un istante
dal giorno in cui
aveva cominciato
a codificare
per comprendere
tutto l'universo
con la matematica
ed i modelli
che aveva creato
al di la' dell'orizzonte
della fisica classica.

Nikos Lygeros


Small poem by the Italian Physicist Ruggero Maria Santilli
dedicated to theGreek mathematician Nikos Lygeros

The man was in darkness
. Darkness of knowledge,
darkness of understanding,
darkness if vision.
The man was in despair.
Then a flickering of light
appeared at the horizon.
The man cries and cried:
come in, come in
bring me light
bring me light,
and the flickering grew and grew
into a light house so big


that darkness disappeared,
despair was gone.
The light house over darkness
was the mathematics of
the Great Greek Mathematician
Nikos Lygeros
and since that time there was
knowledge and knowledge,
vision and vision,
how deep as the human mind
could probe.

Ruggero Maria Santill


IItalian translations
by R. M. Santilli

Piccolo poema del
fisico italiano Ruggero Maria Santilli
dedicato al
matematico greco Nikos Lygeros

L'uomo era nelle tenebre.
Tenebre di conoscenza,
tenebre nel capire,
tenebre nelle visioni.
L'uomo era disperato.
Allora barlume di luce
apparve all'orizzonte.
L'uomo grido' e grido':
vieni, vieni da me,
portami la luce!
portami la luce!
Ed il barlume crebbe e crebbe
fino a diventare un faro di luce
tale da far sparire le tenebre,
da far sparire la disperazione,
da far apparire visioni.
Il faro che squarcio le tenebre
era la matematica del
Grande Matematico Greco
Nikos Lygeros
e da allora ci fu
conoscenza e conoscenza,
visioni e visioni
fino alla massima profondita'
mente umana puo' penetrare.

Ruggero Maria Santilli

The light in the darkness by the
Greek mathematician NikosLygeros

The scientific darkness that can be broken by
the mathematical hyperstructures by the mathematicians T. Vougiouklis and N. Lygeros:
the hygh energy particle collisions at CERN

3) Intermediate Controlled Nuclear Fusions (ICNF) without radiations fully owned by Thunder Fusion Corporation, a U.S. public company with website